Central banks are responsible not only for the present but also for the future stability of the payment system. 央行不仅对支付系统的现在负责,同样也对其未来的稳定负有责任。
For presentation of decuments to us under this transferred credit, we will take this as being instructed by the second beneficiary to present the documents, either with substiution of documents by the first beneficiary or not, to the issuing bank for payment. 对于提交此转让证的单据给我们,我们将视为第二受益人提交的,或者第一受益人替换部分单据,或不提交,直接寄到开证行议付。
The seller shall present the following document to the pay bank for negotiation of payment. hire purchase [ UK] 卖方凭下列单据向付款银行议付货款:租购,分期付款购货[英]
Where the holder fails to present the bill for payment within the prescribed period, the acceptor or drawee shall remain liable for the payment of the bill after the holder explains the situation. 持票人未按照前款规定期限提示付款的,在作出说明后,承兑人或者付款人仍应当继续对持票人承担付款责任。
We present the subsystem of credit card information inform, which fulfills the function of the issue of financial information, the pressing for payment of overdraw of the credit card, etc. 提出了信用卡信息通知子系统,完成了金融信息的发布、信用卡透支催讨等功能。
At present, there is a lacuna in the lawmaking for the payment for civil spiritual hurt and need to make it perfect. 目前我国的行政精神损害赔偿立法还存在很大缺陷,亟需完善行政精神损害赔偿制度。